A whole body herbal oil massage involving head, face and body followed by a soothing steam bath, relieve fatique, removed toxins and enhances sleep, strength, complexion and luster.
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A whole body bundle massage using herbal powder / leaves which are heated in herbal oil and then rhythmically massage over the body. Highly effective in treating rheumatism, swelling and muscular - seletal problems
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A highly effective rejuvenation massage using medicated rice packed in bundle with medicated milk. It slows down the aging process, nourishes the muscils and increases immunity.
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Lukewarm medicated oil is poured continuously in an even stream over the forehead. A holistic ayurvedic approach to de-stress and relax the mind, body and soul.
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Warm medicated oil is squeezed over he patient's body from a piece of cloath that is periodically dipped in oil. Ehhances muscular tone and retunes the entire nervous system
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Nasal medication with herbal oil is used to help with diseases related to the head, eye, ear, nose and neck. It is part of pachakarma treatment.
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Udwarthanam is a special therapeutic deep tissue massage using herbal powders. This massage involves upward stroking, where the powder is massaged on the body. Classical Ayurvedic instructions explain the procedure as a daily routine.
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Shirovasthi is the procedure where the medicated oil is on the bead for a prescribed period.
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Kativasthi is an ayurvedic lumbosacral rejuvenation therapy using hot oil or herbal decoctions.
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Nethra Tharpanam is one of the specialized treatments for various eye disorders. Nethra Tharpanam acts as both preventive and curative therapy for maintaining normal healthy condition of the eyes.
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Ayurvedic head massage focuses on the sholders, neck, face and head, the most vulnerable to stress and tension. The head massage includes a state of calm, peace and tranquility and promotes high levels of alterness and concenration.
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Stemming from ancient indian medicine, Ayurveda foor massages ( Padabhyanga ) have an ability to heal, revitalize and improve circulation in the entire body. A foot massage is a great way to show appreciation and offer daily relief to this very deserving part of your body.
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